The Foursome Reel

Traditionally danced directly after the Eightsome, the Foursome encompasses some of the techniques of the Eightsome, notably the Tulloch Turn. The Foursome is danced in groups of four (two couples) and can get quite exciting!


Part 1

  • All four dances figure of eight
    (pass the same gender on the right, the opposite gender on the left)
  • Strathspey set to opposite
  • All four figure of 8
  • Strathspey set to partner
  • All four figure of 8
  • Strathspey set to opposite

Part 2

  • The Helicopter
  • Set twice, clap, tulloch turn partner
  • Ladies set twice, clap, tulloch turn
  • Set twice, clap, tulloch turn opposite
  • Men set twice, clap, and right hand turn each other
  • Set twice, clap, tulloch turn partner

The dance can be more easily memorised with the pneumonic
(Opposites, Partners, Opposites - Partners, Ladies, Opposites, Men, Partners)